How does it work?
Simply peel off backing and stick to a clean, dry surface. For best results allow 24hrs applied to surface before use.

What does it stick to?
Drywall, glass, tile, stainless steel – any smooth, dry surface.

What weight can it hold?
Jimmy Hooks are available with two weight limits – 7lbs (3.2kg) or 5lbs (2.3kg). When hanging valuables/breakables test surface with an equivalent weight for 48hrs.

How do I remove it?
Just peel off and re-use. If your Jimmy Hook has been in the same place for more than 30 days, warm with a hair dryer before peeling.

No damage? Really?
Yes. No damage, no residue. Really! But just in case, test in inconspicuous area for 72 hours on a questionable surface. May stain non-washable or matte paint.

The backing isn’t sticky anymore. Is there anything I can do?
Simply wash your Jimmy Hook with warm soapy water and air dry. It’ll be just like new!

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